The Way Ahead report makes 12 recommendations for action. The Systems Change Group has gathered these under five key themes. Each theme was explored by a Task and Finish Group, running from the 30th November event to the end of March 2017. These groups were led by organisations with experience and knowledge of the field. Their task wasto review existing knowledge and learning, seeking out data, research, best practice, effective models and expertise. They proposed practical plans for moving to a new system, identifying barriers to new ways of working and opportunities to overcome them.
• Pragmatic co-production - Jake Ferguson from Hackney CVS. Click here for the final recommendations from the pragmatic co-production group.
• Triage and Connect - Karen Chillman from Volunteer Centre Croydon. Click here for the final recommendations from the triage and connect group.
• Data sharing - Kate White from Superhighways and Lea Gorgulu Webb from Networked Planet. Click here for the final recommendations from the data sharing group.
• Voice and campaigning - Alison Navarro from Sutton CVS. Click here for the final recommendations from the voice and campaigning group
• Consistent commissioning and funding - Phillip Tulba from Locality. Click here for the final recommendations from the consistent commissioning and funding group.
For further information about the Task and Finish Groups, please click here.