The Way Ahead proposes a system that puts London’s communities at the heart of the way we all work.
The twelve core elements of the vision are:
1. A shared understanding of need should co-produced, with communities driving this process, and with the involvement of a range of other players.
2. Communities should be enabled to find and deliver their own solutions where possible.
3. Frontline volunteers, groups and organisations’ role would be to fill gaps in provision which communities can’t or don’t want to provide for themselves.
4. Civil society support would provide a “triage and connect” function to diagnose the issues faced by frontline volunteers, groups and organisations and match them to the right support. Support could be from a range of sources within and beyond civil society.
5. Communities, civil society support and funders should act as catalysts for action and also identify emerging needs.
6. Civil society support, independent funders and the local public sector should share data gleaned through co-producing a shared understanding of need, and information on policy developments and best practice.
7. A London Hub, working with specialist support, should develop standardized resources where possible, which can be customized and delivered locally. The London Hub could be made up of a network of organisations or be a formally constituted body.
8. Frontline volunteers, groups and organisations, civil society support and independent funders should campaign and influence locally and regionally.
9. Civil society support and independent funders should act as catalysts to drive improvements in quality, based on peer support and challenge.
10. The GLA should collate, analyse and provide data on civil society and communities’ needs.
11. The GLA, elected representatives, London Councils and independent funders should bring civil society into strategic planning and decision making about the future of London.
12. London Councils, the GLA, elected representatives, independent funders and the local public sector should work together to ensure consistent commissioning and funding of civil society support.